[RO]Buna dragilor,
Este adevarat si sunt ferm convinsa ca orice femeie
este frumoasa si fiecare are un farmec extraordinary. Femeile probabil sunt
cele mai frumoase, plăcute și necesare ființe de pe Pămînt. Ele întotdeauna au
reprezentat cea mai bună sursă de inspirație, pentru femei s-au ținut
cele mai motivaționale discursuri și tot femeia a stat la începutul marilor
schimbări în lume. De-a lungul
istoriei universale au existat o serie de femei care au influentat destine, au
decis soarta unor tari sau a unor conducatori si care au ramas ca simbol al
"femme fatale". Din cauza unora s-au declansat razboaie, altele au
inclinat balanta politica de partea pe care au dorit-o, iar altele au fascinat
prin frumusetea si diplomatia de care au dat dovada de-a lungul vietii. In
aceasta zi am fost inspirata de Audrey Hepburn, dimineata am privit filmul meu
preferat “Breackfast at Tiffany” si am ramas profund impresionata de stilulul
ei unic. Deci, fetelor nu uitati niciodata ce a spus Coco Chanel “ o femeie
trebuie sa fie 2 lucruri : clasica si fabuloasa”, tineti minte si zimbiti in
fiecare zi pentru ca noi femeile avem cea mai pretioasa bijuterie : “zimbetul”
Cine conduce
Da, noi
Va pup Hellen
[EN]Hello guys,
It is true that every woman is beautiful and everyone
has tremendous loveliness. Women are the most beautiful, fairness, pleasant and
necessary beings on Earth. They always constitute the best source of inspiration
for mankind, and have held the most motivational speeches and all the woman stood at
the beginning of great changes in the world and finally make a big history.
During world history there were a number of women who have influenced the
destinies decided the fate of countries or of leaders and who became a symbol
of the "femme fatale". Because some have started wars, others have
tipped the balance of the policy that they wanted, and others fascinated by the
beauty and diplomacy they showed throughout life. I’m talking about this
because I want that all contemporan women believe in themselves and always
remember that at the beginning of all things is a great woman.
This day I was inspired by Audrey Hepburn, in the morning I watched my
favourite movie “Breackfast at Tiffany” and I was wondered of her unique style.
So girls, never forget what says Coco Chanel “a girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Remember this and everyday smile because we
ladies have the most precious jewel: “smile”
Who run this world?
Yes, Ladies!!!
Kisses yours Hellen
Wearing: [Moschino Pants, Moschino Jacket, Oviese top, Queen Shoes, Oodji scarf and Motivi Sunglasses]